I don’t really decorate for Valentine’s Day, but these little mailboxes were too hard to pass up for $1 at Target. They are so cute! 
It was one of those mental commercial moments… do you have those? I suddenly saw images of these little boxes lining my mantel and the kiddos’ happy faces as they each open their own little mailbox to find it filled with treasures.
{Who am I to deny them that Hallmark moment?}
Of course, they had to be dressed up a bit! Silhouette vinyl and vintage fabric was all I needed to gussy them up just a bit.
Isn’t this fabric precious? I’ve wanted to use it for ages so I was thrilled it fit in with this project.
I first cut the decals using my Silhouette. I’m happy to share the studio files with you if you have a Silhouette. Just message me at rachelhgarza{at}gmail{dot}com.
I cut the fabric to back the letters and…
Added the decals to the mailboxes.
I love how the fabric gives the decals a soft, dimensional look. Such a nice touch!
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This was a really quick and simple project, which is about all I have time for these days. I’m deep in the weeds with my graduate studies this semester so I have less time to devote to my creative “to-do” list! 
Please bear with me as I surge through the next couple of weeks.
Happy Valentine’s Day week, my friends!