Well, hi there! I’m so happy that you’re here.
This modest little blog is such a great outlet for me to share ideas with you and, in turn, benefit from your comments, thoughts, and advice.
I love to create. That’s my word of choice. It doesn’t matter what the medium is… making is my passion. I love the challenge and the victory that comes with a finished product!
A bittersweet result of having independent teenagers is more time in my sewing room and I typically fill those available hours with sewing.
I believe the best creativity is collaborative!
I’ve found a welcome niche as a pattern tester, fit model, and fabric company promoter. I love supporting independent designers and small business owners and welcome every opportunity to do so.
These are some of the most gratifying collaborations I’ve ever had.
And they’ve led to some of the sweetest friendships I’ve ever had. True community.
So, enjoy your time on my little piece of web-estate. Please comment on the posts that you find inspirational. Share your ideas and constructive criticism.
And, come back soon.