The Work-From-Home Dilemma

This is a collaborative post that contains links to outside webpages.
Like many, I was sent home to work when the pandemic hit. This was a huge adjustment to make, as I was accustomed to sitting at a desk for 8-9 hours per day. However, once I settled into my new routine, it was hard to go back to the office life… like, physically difficult. My body ached from sitting at my desk in ways that it hadn’t before.
I was delighted when my husband asked me to join him in his agency, which meant working from home permanently. It was much easier to make the transition back to working from home this time around. A lot easier.

Only now, a new problem has surfaced. I am not on-the-go between meetings or running around an office building like I used to. I don’t head to the gym during lunch or have a typical daily routine anymore. Fitting in physical activity has become much more of an act of intention than it ever has been before.
Here are a few ways that I’m fitting movement into my day:
- Walking/running regularly
Once the kids leave for school, I hit the pavement. I used to log long miles for hours, but I can now only fit in about 30 minutes in the morning. That’s a good 30 minutes of cardio for me to start my day!
And walking really is one of the simplest and most practical ways to stay active when you don’t have easy access to a gym – you only need to walk more quickly and for longer periods to reap additional health benefits! As a tip, use a smart watch or pedometer to record your steps and gradually increase your pace to 10,000 steps daily to achieve the best results. For me, that equals about 5 miles… not always attainable, but a good goal nonetheless.
- Gardening
How sore are you after a day of gardening? Gracious… such a workout! Gardening is a good way to get some exercise, as your legs, buttocks, arms, shoulders, neck, back, and abdominal muscles are put to good use. Moreover, these muscles are strengthened, and calories are burned during these activities. Additionally, gardening can be beneficial to your health as it combines physical activity with social interaction and exposure to nature and sunlight. You can benefit from weight training by digging, lifting mulch bags, and pushing a wheelbarrow.
As an added bonus, kick off your shoes and make contact with the ground for at least 20 minutes. Your body will soak up the natural energy of the Earth and you’ll feel better than ever.
- Performing cardio at home
Exercise that increases the heart rate is referred to as “cardio” and is frequently used interchangeably with aerobic workouts. Jumping jacks, lunge jumps, skipping in place, and stationary running are a few examples of aerobic workouts. Studies indicate that a person can preserve cognitive function, lose weight, and control cholesterol levels by engaging in cardio. Fortunately, you can leverage numerous online cardio videos to help you exercise at home.
Tip! You can download cardio circuit apps that work with your smart watch. Your watch can coach you through a whole routine of exercises, prompting you to start a new exercise and counting down your time/reps. It takes the thinking out of putting together a routine. Need to plank for a minute? Let your watch count down those seconds!
- Chores!
Don’t we all start off thinking, “If I could only work from home, I could get all of that laundry done.” Yes! You can, but that also takes more intention than one might realize. I try to get up in the last 10 minutes of each hour and accomplish something at home.
Lifting laundry, climbing stairs, and moving around counts as exercise as you utilize several muscle groups. Having a clean environment also benefits your mental health (anyone with me here?!). Consider creating a daily plan to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Consider taking that 10 minutes from each hour to create a welcoming outdoor space. Your lawn can become a place to escape daily stress and create wonderful memories (or get some peace). However, you want to ensure that your equipment is functioning properly to prevent injuries and extra stress. You can buy those parts you need to repair your lawnmower and yard equipment from Appliance Parts Pros!
- Yoga! My fave…
Yoga can help people manage their back pain, reduce tension and anxiety, and improve their mood. I know this as well as anyone could! I challenged myself a few months ago to 30 days of yoga. I signed up with Asana Rebel and found their weekly routines to be exactly what I needed to reduce my pain, increase flexibility, and stay motivated. There are so many program options to chose from, even if Asana Rebel isn’t the plan for you.

Although numerous online yoga programs are available, knowing where to begin might not be easy if you have never done yoga. If you are new to yoga, you can get started by looking at these five online yoga channels. You can also find classes streaming on Netflix, Amazon Prime, and your local access channels.
A Pilates routine can also increase muscular endurance and flexibility. It can also assist persons with persistent low back pain in managing their symptoms and help them sleep better. Most Pilates exercises can be performed at home, and numerous apps and internet videos offer customized routines for achieving particular goals.
- Rely on those reminders
Spending time sitting on the couch or working from home is easy. Reminding yourself to stay active can be a challenge. Try setting reminders on your phone, computer, or smart speaker to get up and move, drink water, or do some stretching to avoid spending hours in front of a screen without moving. Additionally, experts advise getting up and going for a walk around your house when you have to take a phone call.
If you find yourself stuck at home for whatever reason, it is important to try to stay fit and healthy. It’s very easy to lose time within the confines of your home! These are simple strategies that are currently working for me – and I hope they work for you!
For other work-from-homers… what’s working for you? Send me your suggestions.