Archie’s Girls

Every now and then, I indulge in a brain dump here on the blog. This is one such moment…
I was recently interviewed for a publication. The magazine wanted to know more about my original sewing inspiration. Without hesitation, I responded, “Betty & Veronica!”
I remember the moment as clearly as though it happened yesterday… it was the mid-80’s… I was reading an Archie’s Girls comic and Veronica was showing off her latest {expensive} designer outfit. Fast-forward two frames, Betty is showing off her designer copycat outfit that she made herself.
That one frame stopped me in my tracks… as a child!
It was the first time it had ever occurred to me that someone could make their own clothes and possibly have them mistaken for designer or ready-to-wear clothing. I had to learn how to sew! And sew, I did.
And I haven’t stopped since… as you can well read in the pages of this blog!
Imagine my surprise to have these beauties pop up in my social feeds shortly after that interview!
You can’t tell me that our devices aren’t listening!
I mean, really… what are the odds?! Keds totally gets me!!
So, of course, I had to snatch them up!! They were made for me.
I have been seeking that particular issue of Archie’s Girls for years and have found similar issues, but not the exact one that sparked my desire to sew. I’m sure I’ll find it eventually. I’ll have those pages framed and hang them in my studio.
In the meantime, I’ll be rocking these Keds every chance I can get. All I have to do is look down for a little creative inspiration!
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