Welcome to the former entrance to our master bedroom.

Pretty grand, huh?

Among the many bizarre things about this house was the decision to route traffic to the master bedroom through the laundry room.

But, we’ll talk about the master bedroom in a couple of weeks. Let’s go straight to the dirty laundry (room).

I know this is not what you might consider an inspirational makeover. There is nothing “frills or fancy” about it. But I am so proud of my husband for making this super functional change to the house!

I left the house for work one morning and came home to find this!

The cabinetry in this room was repurposed. See where the cabinets are hanging on the right side of the room. Want to take a guess how many times I ran smack into those when I wasn’t paying attention?

A little paint, new flooring, and we’re all done with this room!

It’s actually the only room in the house that we can really consider “complete.” I’m so tired of living in a construction zone that I may just move in here for a while!