Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been collecting your ideas for dressing up my garden entrance and you’ve shared some really amazing ideas!!

Rain bells, wind chimes, paint, climbing vines… I can picture it all in my mind’s eye!

I was perusing my Pinterest boards and was reminded of this lovely garden gate wreath that I found, courtesy of Funky Junk Interiors.

I love everything about this wreath – the use of mason jar rings, the weathering, the naturally created color scheme. It’s just perfect.

So, I set off last week to find old mason jar lids. Personal contacts, Craigslist, local thrift shoppes.

No luck.

So, I searched the internet for places to order them.

Whoa! Too expensive.

Finally, Kimberly suggested the discount store, Big Lots, and that’s where I found these!

Not only were they inexpensive ($2.50 for 12), they are also a lovely bronze color – rather than the bright silver that you typically see.

I set to work forming my wreath.

With baling twine.


With coat hanger wire.


With a wire wreath form.


I looped a length of baling twine around the 2 supports on either side of my cuts to close the form so the rings will not slide off. It also serves as a great way to hang the wreath.

It’s actually a little too small for the scale of the gate. But… all-in-all a simple, sweet way to dress up my garden gate and it will weather beautifully!