Well, I’m not finished yet, but I wanted to share a quick update on the kiddos’ creative space.

Remember the before?

Here’s where we are today.

I can’t tell you how many times this week that my oldest son has disappeared – only to be found furiously drawing and coloring in his revamped space.
A friend of mine gave me these GREAT “old school” student desks – two of them! They are covered with years of graffiti {which my oldest son wants left unchanged, but I don’t know about that}! I’m brainstorming ideas about how to refinish them so please add to my list if you can!!
I was able to utilize the existing little art table to create another art nook for playdoh (see it in the background?).

I still want to jazz up the wall a bit. My March Winds Wreath just isn’t cutting it.

Maybe another art display piece? Small bulletin boards?
